Field Sobriety Tests are designed to test your level of intoxication. However, they may seem more like physical fitness tests than tests to determine your fitness to drive a motor vehicle. Police officers make conclusions based upon your performance on these tests. These conclusions can result in you going to prison.
The most commonly used tests are:
Walk & Turn: nine heel-to-toe steps in a straight line, make a specific pivot turn, and walk nine heel-to-toe steps back to the start.
One Leg Stand: stand on one foot, lift your other leg six inches off ground, keep your head down and toe pointed, count out loud.
Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (eye test): keep head stationary, follow object with eyes.
Rhomberg: head back, eyes closed, count to thirty in your head.
Ultimately, your arrest was based upon the opinion of the police officer. To convict, more questions need to be answered:
Was the officer qualified to administer the tests?
Did the officer change the rules or add more challenges?
Did the officer account for other reasons for your performance such as fatigue, fear, mental disorders, physical abilities, weight or height?
Field sobriety tests can be successfully challenged if you have the right attorney by your side. Call the Law Office of Douglas Richards today! Put my experience to work for you and let me start fighting for your rights!