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Former Federal Prosecutors
Prepare Every Case
The prosecutors know we will be ready to win at trial, and prepare like no one else. They know we are former prosecutors, ready to stand up for you. This helps us to get the best outcome possible in your case.
Defending Those Arrested For Domestic Violence in Denver Colorado
Colorado Domestic Violence Defense Starts Here
Approximately 1.3 million women and 835,000 men are physically assaulted by an intimate partner annually in the United States. Law enforcement officials have responded to this in creating very strict laws for domestic violence. Often times, the police are in such a hurry to separate the parties and figure out what happened that there is a rush to judgment…and it’s done at your expense.
I did not do what they’re saying—this is all a lie!
I didn’t even touch my accuser. How is this domestic violence?
I own my house (or hold the lease), so I should not have to go.
I’m innocent, but I just want to resolve this quickly and quietly.
This was self-defense…what now?
If I do not want to fight the charge, is jail the only option?
Douglas Richards is a Domestic Violence Attorney with experience as a federal prosecutor. This experience helps him as a Criminal Defense Attorney to give those charged Domestic Violence or accused of Assault in Denver the best chance of not going to jail for a long time. Call our office today for a free consultation about your Domestic Violence case.
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Former Federal Prosecutors
Prepare Every Case
The prosecutors know we will be ready to win at trial, and prepare like no one else. They know we are former prosecutors, ready to stand up for you. This helps us to get the best outcome possible in your case.