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Former Federal Prosecutors
Prepare Every Case
The prosecutors know we will be ready to win at trial, and prepare like no one else. They know we are former prosecutors, ready to stand up for you. This helps us to get the best outcome possible in your case.
Former Federal Prosector / US Attorney Helping Those Arrested For Federal Drug Charges
Federal Drug Charges are not simple and you need a Federal drug defense attorney admitted in federal court to help protect your rights. Federal Drug charges typically present very complex issues and connect to multiple cases as well as other charges including gun possession, burglary, assault among other charges. It is critical that you speak with an experienced attorney. I have experience dealing with federal agents, identifying issues in cases, and an understanding of drug trafficking organizations.
Marijuana / Medical Marijuana
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Former Federal Prosecutors
Prepare Every Case
The prosecutors know we will be ready to win at trial, and prepare like no one else. They know we are former prosecutors, ready to stand up for you. This helps us to get the best outcome possible in your case.